loudmouth, hothead

Providing ill-informed comment off the top of my head since November 2005

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Location: Logan City, Queensland, Australia

fat and old

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

"Terrorism" suspects are being mistreated, says Lawyer

We'll hold fire on these Guantanamo-lite allegations. There was bound to be someone who would make claims of this sort. I suspect the alleged criminal gang members are being mistreated, etc, as the article says, but unless we're currently shoving tubes up their noses hard to stop them from hunger striking, I doubt anything we do could compare to the depravity of the U.S.

But this is the important bit:
"The case was briefly mentioned in Sydney's central Local Court this morning where the men's lawyer, Adam Houda, complained that the prosecution is yet to provide details of the evidence against the men." (my emphasis)
Now, that sounds very familiar.


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