loudmouth, hothead

Providing ill-informed comment off the top of my head since November 2005

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Location: Logan City, Queensland, Australia

fat and old

Friday, December 02, 2005

Singapore stuff

I haven't written anything about Van Nguyen because I don't have that much to say. But there is something that was starting to annoy me, and it's people who say "Singapore wants to protect its citizens". Given that the law is the same for citizens as for foreigners (the Singapore government reports 22 foreigners and 66 locals killed between 2001 and 2004), the death penalty indicates that Singapore doesn't really want to protect all of its citizens. It wants to protect some citizens and kill others for no good reason.

So don't give me that "protects its citizens" stuff. It's all about keeping citizens in fear. Which as we all know, leads to anger, which leads to hate, which leads to suffering.

Also people who say that the 396g of drugs he was carrying could have affected 26,000 people. That's 15mg per person. I'm not sure of the efficacy of heroin as compared to, say, codeine -- I think H is less effective -- but I know 15mg of codeine is barely enough to start to knock out a headache.

And for the record, I'm not keen to see the Bali Bombers, the Bali Nine, Tookie Williams or anyone else put to death, either.

LATER - with perhaps one exception, now that Peter Reith has retired from politics.


Blogger Unknown said...

Yoda was pro-death penalty

10:18 am  

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