loudmouth, hothead

Providing ill-informed comment off the top of my head since November 2005

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Location: Logan City, Queensland, Australia

fat and old

Monday, January 30, 2006

The Palestinian welfare and resistance group, Hamas

All these threats. The U.S. playing its usual silly-buggers with foreign aid. All because of one little democratic election. Makes you wonder how serious this whole "bringing democracy to the middle-east" stuff is.


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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Different anti-smoker laws in different states

It's weird going to the ACT. They smoke within 4 metres of doorways; supermarkets display more than one square metre of smoking products. Freaky, man.

I did comment on this to someone and they just shrugged and said, "I'm sure we'll get those laws soon."

What liberties do the nasty evil smokers get away with where you live?


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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Steven E. Landsburg may know the meaning of the word 'compassion' but...

Look, it doesn't really bother me that Steven E. Landsburg seems happy that Tirhas Habtegris is dead because she couldn't pay her medical bills. What bothers me is that he seems to be deliberately asking the wrong questions as an argument against people who were upset by the circumstances surrounding her death.

Steve asks "Should poor people be given ventilator insurance?" Who the heck, apart from S.E. himself, said anything about ventilator insurance? (What the hell is ventilator insurance, anyway? Perhaps we don't have it because we have a working health system.)

Landsburg hazards a guess that if you'd given her $75 on her 21st birthday she wouldn't have bought 'ventilator insurance', she would have bought something she wanted more at the time. That, to him, is the only relevant economic consideration.

I'm going to hazard a guess that if, on her 21st birthday, you'd asked Tirhas to select her own $75 present AND you told her that ventilator insurance costs $75 AND that in six years she was gong to be ventilator dependent AND that her ventilator was going to be switched off, causing her death, because of unpaid bills, she bloody-well would have bought the insurance.

The only relevant question is "Should a person's ventilator be turned off merely because they cannot afford to pay for it?"

That's a relevant, valid question. My answer is no. That's because I think a human life is worth something. It seems strange that in the land where they insist a bunch of cells is human, they don't insist a human is human.

I assume Landsburg is an economist. He really should go off to see the wizard to help deal with that whole "lack of a heart" thing he's got going.

Note to Landsburg - take your definition to its extreme and you can claim that killing anyone is compassionate because you're permanently alleviating their distress.


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U.S. Ambassador

The U.S. hasn't had an Australian ambassador since the last one, Tom Schieffer-Brains, left over a year ago. Brains is now the U.S. ambassador to Japan.

I think the reason the U.S. hasn't appointed an ambassador is that they don't need one. An ambassador looks out for a country's interests. The U.S. already has John Howard to do that.


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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Can Bush please both GM producers and the religious right?

Interesting article from the Independent (UK), which reports on Russian tests (in mice) that show genetically modified soy damages foetuses.

Now this would present a big problem for U.S. Administrations like the current one. You can't do anything that would damage foetuses, apparently; but U.S. policies are all about making the world safe for Monsanto to contaminate everything with their modified genome. So what happens when religion and making money come into conflict?

I think we know the answer to that; making money always wins.


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Thursday, January 05, 2006

Story link

Why wiretapping is scary, by AmericaBlog.

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