loudmouth, hothead

Providing ill-informed comment off the top of my head since November 2005

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Location: Logan City, Queensland, Australia

fat and old

Thursday, November 03, 2005

You're not a real blogger until...

You write a post about a post in someone else's blog.

In this case, my friend, kungfusyme.

He talks about risk. He gets all RED-FONTED AND BOLD-FACED about investors and risk. The reason -

My landlord just put my rent up.
Fair enough - that's his call.
But when he did it he came at it like this "My mortgage just went up and I'm making a loss on this house now and I'll shoulder some of that cost but I'm going to have to put the rent up"

He wanted credit for taking on some of the cost.

I didn't ask him to buy a fucking investment property - and I won't expect him to give me some of my rent back if he makes a profit when he sells it.
Um, the problem with that is that you are renting, and renting is risky. A landlord can put the rent up any old time, their only risk is that the tenant will move out and the landlord might have to reduce the rent slightly from what they were asking to get someone else in. But as a tenant, if you want to pay the increase, stay; if not, you've got a choice -- just like the new WorkChoices shit -- and you can bugger off.

Gotta go, Serenity has a load of cattle to deliver.


Blogger Unknown said...

the point was - he decided to invest.
If it isn't working out for him - I don't care.

He can put the rent up as much as he likes when he likes - but what he CAN'T do is try to get sympathy from me over how much his house is costing him.

Buy BHP, make money, be happy.

Buy James Hardy, loose money, don't expect sympathy.

weather I buy a house or rent a house is immaterial.

that is why I'm happy to pay rent - and I'm happy to pay an increase in rent - that's the risk I'm taking - I'm not complaining about a raise in my rent - it's the METHODOLOGY that was irking me.

so nehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

1:41 pm  
Blogger Jimbo said...

So, all would have been well if he'd just said "your rent's going up" and didn't try to explain it?

Did mention that I never got through your whole post? That would ruin the whole ill-informed thing I'm working on.

4:55 pm  

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